Live Painting

Live Event Painting 

The live painting experience is an interactive and exciting addition to your event. Perfect for a concert, fundraiser, wedding, gala, retirement party or corporate event, live painting is a memorable experience. 

How does it work?

Live paintings are completely interactive and each painting is unique. You will purchase the painting that I create live at the event in a 3-4 hour period. I come to your event and bring all of my supplies and set up with me. After the event, I will take the painting home and add finishing touches to make sure it is something that I am proud of before giving it back to you. It will also get varnished so that the painting is protected and sealed.

During the event, I am there to answer questions about my process and interact with guests and patrons. This is a wonderful part of the event because I get to share my inspiration, what materials I use and get to know you and your guests and makes a memorable experience for them. 

What painting will you paint? Can it be specific?  

The main goal of the experience is to have a finished painting that you love and that appeals to your guests. We will work together to decide on the subject matter for your painting. It can be specific to the event, something that is similar to what I have done in the past or something completely new. Often paintings that will be auctioned off at a fundraiser will be on a specific theme. 

Pricing and Details

Pricing for the event is based on the size of painting that you wish to have at your event. Generally, paintings are larger so that your guests have a good view of the piece while I am painting it. These prices include all painting supplies.

18x24 - $1000.00 
24x30 - $1200.00
30x40 - $1400.00
36x36 - $1600.00
36x48 - $2000.00


Please contact me with any questions at

Past Events

River City Chamber Orchestra - Solitude

River City Chamber Orchestra - UNITY

River City Chamber Orchestra - Pierrot Lunaire

Kings University Choirs 

CAVA Gallery